big data


Fortune 1000 CXO Interview Panel: Shanji Xiong, Experian

We are proud to present ICCG Close-Up, sponsored by RoundWorld Solutions. A Fortune 1000 CXO Interview panel on Governance, Big Data, Supply Chain Analytics, Enterprise Mobility, and Portfolio Management – where C-Level executives share their views on their main areas … Continued

Fortune 1000 CXO Interview Panel: John Dohm, RealD

We are proud to present ICCG Close-Up, sponsored by RoundWorld Solutions. A Fortune 1000 CXO Interview panel on Governance, Big Data, Supply Chain Analytics, Enterprise Mobility, and Portfolio Management – where C-Level executives share their views on their main areas … Continued
Big Data – Redefining Care for Better Outcomes

Big Data – Redefining Care for Better Outcomes

Big Data initiatives have the potential to transform healthcare, as they have revolutionized other industries. By utilizing Big Data, not only can providers reduce costs, but also could save millions of lives and improve patient outcomes. Healthcare stakeholders that take … Continued