Our Mission Statement
“Establish a forum for stakeholders in the local community to support and nurture high tech and other key industries that contribute to the competitiveness of our region and fuel economic growth.”
Our Collective Objective
The ICCG’s objectives include cultivating communications and networking opportunities among its members, defining and establishing best practices and ethical standards, and creating and maintaining a link between business leaders devising global strategies. These objectives are accomplished through events, presentations, roundtables, and committees organized and sponsored by The ICCG.
[call_to_action_2 style=”3″ header=”Join the ICCG Today ” content=”ICCG offers a is a forum to meet leaders, decision makers, policy makers and industry advocates to solve tomorrow’s problems today.” buttontext=”Join Today!” background=”” background_hover=”” url=”https://iccgusa.com/contact-us/” target=”_self”]